Becoming LionHeart Podcast

Nothing in the natural world is as fearsome as pride of lions. A single lion can put up a strong fight, a pride can win any. Similarly, when we as people unite with a belief to do right by each other, to support one another, and to inspire the world, we can become unstoppable. In the Becoming LionHeart Podcast, I hope to provide valuable lessons through mentalities, great books and podcasts, and fun interviews. The goal of my podcast isn’t to reach everyone, and change the world. But rather, to change the world of anyone I reach. If I provide value to you I will have made an impact that I will be forever grateful for, if I didn’t please help me to be better and do more! I cherish each and every person who gives me the opportunity to be all I can be! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I hope to help you:

Watch the below video to see the power of more than one LionHearted individual! When we work together we can all be great!

Become LionHearted!

Below you can find the podcast episodes embedded on the website. This will only show the six most recent episodes, if you are looking for a specific episode please use the below links to find them on your preferred podcast application:

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Permanent Beta! Episode #7 Become LionHeart Podcast

Hi There! In this Episode I talk about another mindset from my time as a Penn State wrestler. The permanent beta, it's a growth mindset geared around making us PROCESS driven rather than RESULTS. The idea is to constantly improve and love the growth. Give it a listen to hear me talk about how I view it and how I apply it in my every day life! Hope this helps you Become LionHeart!  Accompanying blog post can be found If you liked the content please consider sharing and leaving me feedback, I also highly encourage you to leave a review of the podcast as a whole if you're able! Even if you share it with one person you think this may help! Thank you in advance! Have a lovely day! I hope this helped you, Become LionHeart! Connect with me on social media! Instagram LinkedIn Twitter
  1. Permanent Beta! Episode #7
  2. Hungry Dogs Run Faster! Episode #6
  3. SO WHAT!! Episode #5
  4. Mindset Source: The Infinite Game! Wisdom Wednesday Episode One!
  5. The Infinite Mindset! Mentality Episode One!
  6. About Me, the guy behind the Mic!

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