Who I am

I am Patrick Higgins

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey! I am sure you are wondering who the little kid behind this stuff is, let me introduce myself! I am Patrick Higgins, pleasure to meet you reader! I am a young professional from the great state of New Jersey (depending on who you talk to!) where I was born and raised. In rural Southern Jersey, with a wild Irish Catholic family being the youngest wasn’t always easy. Dad was a State Trooper among other things, mom was a nurse. My four older brothers all taught me many lessons, both the good way, and the hard way. I strived to succeed in all endeavors of my life. Helped most intensely by the the sport of wrestling, I made that my identity.

Wrestling changed my life in helping me learn discipline, gratitude, how to overcome defeat and how to win gracefully. I had success, and shortcomings in both my life and my athletic career. My greatest pride comes from being able to call myself a Penn State Wrestler. While at Penn State from 2015-2019 my team won four straight National Titles, we’ve won 8 of the last 9 titles. Being a part of one of the most dominate sports programs in all of collegiate, or any level of athletics for that matter, taught me a great many things. I learned what it means to truly be elite, I saw how the best in the world taught, trained, learned, and led. Coached by multiple Olympic Champions and training alongside some of the greatest athletes my sport will ever see, I am honored to have been a part of it. While at Penn State I developed an insatiable desire to grow and become better every day. Now I have stepped out of the role of athlete and into the role of coach. I am loving coaching more than I did competing my last couple years, for many reasons. Among them, seeing the growth and the difference I have been able to make in my athletes over time gives me immense amounts of pride and joy. I am grateful to have an impact in the lives of my athletes and with Becoming LionHeart I hope to have an impact in the lives of others as well.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be a part of your life as well- Patrick Higgins

What do I do?
  • Avid reader and audiobook listener
  • Head Coach of Centurion Wrestling Club
  • Analyst for JP Morgan Chase
  • Son, brother, boyfriend, and friend to some wonderful people
  • Hopefully, life changer for some

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